The Best Laid Plans of a Writer

I had big plans this week. It was earmarked for a major writing spree on my short story Doctor Jack as my CampNaNoWriMo attempt.
That was the plan…

For the past week, I have had cranium-splitting headache. I did what I tell my patients to do and saw my doctor and optometrist colleague.  My biggest fear was my blood pressure. It was acceptable. Phew! I am now waiting for blood test results and am armed with a retinal digital scan (photo), and am off to my ophthalmologist tomorrow. ( I was due anyway.)

This has been a big shake up for me. I just don’t want to admit that I am getting older. Strangely I am feeling like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I am ready to grab life by the b…..s

The most annoying aspect of this saga is the grinding halt to my writing. I have spent some time researching today (my excuse for procrastinating). However I must admit my word count is only 400 – no increase from last week’s post. To get back on track I will need to write 2600 words today. Realistically that may not happen but I am preparing to pull myself together and aim for 4000 words by the end of the week.

Now that I have admitted it to the world, it will give me more incentive to soldier on and get back into my daily writing schedule – and feel more like a real writer. I am sure this week’s writers’ group will also give me a gentle nudge.
Wish me luck.

Art/Photography: Artwork published in Published Art – I33 Fencing in the Style of the Walpurgis Manuscript by Andrew Kenner.

Costume Bit: Next on the list is another corset of British flavour.

Manuscript Word Progress:
Total Words:  
Revised Words: 
At 1st draft only:

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