For the Good of the Empire.

Tuesday 9th May:
On Monday I posted the link to my new YouTube video. If I had waited just a couple of days, I could have posted it as my regular post today but I couldn’t wait to share. At midnight yesterday I realised what day it was (Tuesday, not Monday – public holidays always put me out of whack); I had no post written for Wednesday. I started writing. It was glorious. Words flowed from my fingers onto the keyboard…

There was something about the momentary bliss of the newly published author buoyed by an unexpected book-launch crowd, the joy of that first (paperback) book review and the sudden crash as reality reminded me of the work I have ahead of me. This was followed by an analysis of how post-book-launch blues is akin to post-convention blues – even down to the inevitable sinus infection that ensues.  (I get them instead of usual post-con flu most con-goers suffer from.)

Then it happened. My computer glitched. Half way through the save. Yes, I know. My folly was not to regularly save. My bad.
All was lost to the aether. Forever.

Note to self: Do not forget to hit save. When you do hit save, wait until the computer has finished its task. Better yet, don’t feed it after midnight… Or maybe not type long screeds of text after midnight and forget to save it.

Wednesday, 10th May:
It is a new day. Sleep has not returned the lost words to my memory. I pull out my Department of Curiosities first draft and scan the handwritten chapters in the latest notebook. There is work to do – transcribing, rewriting and those few final chapters to write.

DOC 150610  transcribing copyright_2015_KarenCarlisle

I am clearing my headspace of Doctor Jack and re-acquainting myself with the characters/heroes and villains of a lighter steampunk tale of adventure, a heroine, mad scientists, traitors and secrets. All for the good of the Empire.

Total number of saves today: 18 19 20 21

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